An unmatched record of perfect scores
Every year the Australian Government’s National Residue Survey (NRS) verifies growers’ and processors’ commitment to outstanding quality by testing Australian fresh produce for a range of chemical residues and environmental contaminants.
The macadamia industry has participated in the survey since it began in the mid 1990s, achieving 100% compliance every year. Macadamias are the only Australian fresh product to have achieved this record.
The program involves testing Australian macadamias for a range of insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and environmental contaminants, which ensures the macadamia industry can meet quality assurance and market access requirements for domestic and international markets.
According to the survey summary, “The results highlight excellent compliance with Australian standards and demonstrate the strong commitment of the macadamia industry to good agricultural practices. The consistently excellent compliance rates help maintain the reputation and integrity of Australian macadamia nuts in international and domestic markets.”
These findings are a testament to the dedication of Australia’s macadamia growers and processors and prove the benefits of our industry’s determination to work with nature as much as possible.