Australia: the natural home of macadamias
Around 60 million years ago, in the fertile soil of Australia’s north east coast the world’s first macadamias evolved. An ancient rainforest treasure, they were first traded commercially in Australia in the 1960s and remain the only native Australian crop to ever have been traded on a significant scale internationally as a commercial food product. Today, the production of macadamias largely centres around the same rich and fertile regions that were once home to the original native species.

A global commitment
Our new market development program has substantially grown the size and value of the Australian industry and our international marketing program now actively promotes the Australian Macadamias brand to trade and consumers in Australia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Germany.
While our world-class farming practices and deep exporting experience has cemented our position as the global leader in macadamia supply and marketing, our focus remains firmly on continual improvement to ensure we remain at the forefront of this dynamic global industry.
Tree nuts lead the charge
Nuts are a vital part of Australia’s horticultural export program and their export value has more than doubled since 2013. Strong prices and soaring consumer interest in health and wellbeing are the key growth drivers and macadamias are the second largest industry within the Australian tree nut sector, and Australia’s fourth-largest horticultural export on a value basis.

Positioned for future growth
Australian macadamia growers are dedicated to expanding output volume while continuing to deliver outstanding quality product. Our industry’s farm gate value has almost tripled in the last 10 years, and we’ve only just begun. Australia has a young but innovative macadamia industry, and our cutting-edge orchard management practices will continue to deliver strong and stable supply in the coming years. The 25,000 hectares currently planted are forecast to expand to 30,000 by 2025, with Bundaberg our fastest growing region. With a third of macadamia trees currently under cultivation in Australia yet to reach full production, the stage is set for long term, sustained productivity.