소식 & 보고서

소식 & 보고서

Macadamia Holic snack range launches in South Korea

Health, happiness and convenience derived from nature. That’s the potent promise of South Korean food brand O’Tree Food Village, that’s winning plenty of fans with its premium snack nut products.

10 reasons you should be innovating with macadamias

If there was ever a food that pairs with everything, it’s macadamias. Sweet or savoury, their versatile flavour enhances any other ingredient, while their unique velvety crunch elevates the eating experience of any product that contains them.

Australian Macadamias wins gold at public relations awards

The adorable baby koala, affectionately named ‘Macadamia’ after our iconic nut, recently won the hearts of judges at the prestigious PRIA Golden Target Awards, taking out wins for Consumer Campaign of the Year and Small Budget Campaign.  

October 2017 market report

The crop situation remains unchanged since August, with total supply from the 2017 crop expected to be no greater than the prior year, at around 185,000 t in-shell. Prospects for 2018 are looking good so far with both Australia and South Africa receiving good rainfalls during October. 

Macadamias prescribed as perfect Fathers’ Day gift in Taiwan

An innovative media collaboration promoting Australian grown macadamias as the ideal Fathers’ Day gift has yielded solid results in Taiwan. A special macadamia segment livestreamed on ET News generated more than 4.3 million impressions, 600,000 views and 1,115 engagements.

Macadamia shells could save lives

Scientists have discovered that macadamia nut shells could be a powerful tool for Australian hospitals to use in the treatment of poisonings.

US FDA approves qualified macadamia health claim

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced its approval for the use of a qualified health claim by manufacturers linking macadamia consumption with a reduced risk for coronary heart disease.

Barenuts basks in gold medal success

Commuting to her job as a media and communications advisor in Brisbane in 2013, it was impossible for Jodie Cameron to imagine how different her life would become in just a few short years.



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