The results of the latest National Residue Survey (NRS) have just been released, and we’re delighted to report Australia’s macadamia producers have once again been awarded 100% compliance, marking a 20-year unbroken record of perfect scores.
As the world’s leading supplier of macadamias, Australia has an unwavering commitment to food safety and upholding the premium quality standards that have made our macadamias the best in the world. The NRS provides quantifiable proof of our dedication to reliable and sustainable farming with a preference for non-chemical pest and disease controls whenever possible.
Pristine record continues
Our industry has achieved 100% compliance every year since the voluntary program’s inception in 1996, and these consistently outstanding results are the product of the skill and commitment of our growers, coupled with their world-class in-crop and post-harvest practices.
It’s a record we are extremely proud of and one that has not been matched by any other Australian fresh product.
Assurance for domestic and international customers
Australia has long upheld a reputation for its clean and green food production standards, and it is something our industry takes extremely seriously.
An operational unit within the Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, the NRS tests Australian macadamias for a range of chemical residues and environmental contaminants, ensuring the macadamia industry is meeting the quality assurance and food standard requirements for both domestic and international markets.
The NRS keeps a database of maximum residue limits for those countries that represent major export markets for Australian plant and animal products. As stated in the official report, these results “highlight Australia’s excellent compliance status against Australian standards and helps maintain the reputation and integrity of Australian macadamia nuts in international and domestic markets.”
Download the full report
The full report and chemical screen results are now available – click the link below to download your copy. If you have any questions please contact Market Development Manager Lynne Ziehlke.