


The Australian Macadamias global Facebook communities are alive with conversation about our delicious nut. We love engaging with our fans as it enables us to gauge what’s on their minds and understand how they feel about our brand and product.


至17年六月的过去12个月中,大多数市场的强劲表现带来了澳大利亚澳洲坚果的稳定销量。 而日本,中国和韩国市场的表现尤为突出,亚洲的销量同比增长了20%,而出口欧洲的销量与前12个月持平。 在澳洲,内销销量小幅下滑,出口美国市场的销量下降了15%。带壳坚果销量大增,同比增长了3300吨。


The Australian Macadamias consumer campaign in China has continued to unfold at full pace over the past month, with the launch of a new video and a media campaign that have delivered outstanding results.


How do you train a macadamia tree to produce more macadamia nuts? That’s the question at the heart of the Small Tree - High Productivity initiative that’s seeking to transform the productivity and efficiency of not only macadamia orchards, but also mangoes and avocados.

Macadamias make list of Top 5 Healthiest Nuts

Reader’s Digest recently examined the nutritional profiles of different nuts to come up with a list of The Top 5 Healthiest Nuts You Can Eat – and macadamias made the cut! Singled out for their cardiovascular benefits, the article referenced a report from the Journal of Nutrition that found when just 1.5 ounces (around 15 macadamia nuts) were eaten in place of other snacks with the same amount of calories, total and LDL cholesterol levels improved. The recommendation? Make macadamias part of every heart-healthy day. Read it in full here.

May 2017 market report

The global macadamia crop for 2016 has been estimated at 179,998 (at 3.5% moisture), representing a modest increase of 1.3% over the prior year.

Macadamias galore at Noosa Food & Wine 2017

Noosa Food & Wine once again drew a strong crowd this year, as chefs, producers and foodies descended on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast from 18-21 May. Macadamias were out in force and we leveraged the event extensively on our domestic social media platforms, delivering outstanding reach of more than 230,000.



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