2019 Australian macadamia crop reaches 43,500 tonnes in-shell

Australian macadamia growers have produced a crop of 43,500 tonnes in-shell at 3.5% moisture (46,600 tonnes in-shell at 10% moisture) for the 2019 season, announced the peak industry body, the Australian Macadamia Society today.

The result is slightly higher than the industry’s previous forecast of 42,900 tonnes in-shell at 3.5% moisture (46,000 tonnes at 10% moisture) and is based on actual factory receipts of the Australian Macadamia Handlers Association (AMHA) until the end of October.

AMS CEO Jolyon Burnett said that despite the impact of the unusually long, hot and dry summer early in the year, harvest conditions throughout the 2019 season were favourable and kernel quality was very good.

“It’s still very early days, however it is likely that the 2020 Australian macadamia crop will be impacted by the continuing dry conditions in all growing regions,” said Mr. Burnett.

“There is a degree of uncertainty about the 2020 crop, including the varied impacts the dry weather may have on different regions.”

The AMHA represents over 90% of all the macadamia crop in Australia.

For further information contact:

Lynne Ziehlke
General Manager Marketing – Australian Macadamias
Phone: +61 488 032 248 or 1800 262 426 (Aust) or +61 2 6622 4933

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