

12 of the best nut health stories of 2016

2016 was a year of powerful and positive news stories for nuts, as the health research and scientific communities globally continued to uncover the many benefits of enjoying a ‘healthy handful’ daily. Here we’ve picked 12 of the best news stories to showcase the breadth of insights that made headlines last year. 


The macadamia community calls for research projects that may contribute to enhance the understanding of the health effects of macadamia nut consumption.January 3rd, 2017 -  Up to €200,000 is available for the Macadamia Health Research. Research priorities include comparing the effect of a macadamia enriched diet vs. a control diet on insulin resistance/secretion, lipid profile (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides), and other emergent cardiovascular risk factors, e.g. inflammation, oxidative stress markers, etc. including the evaluation of the effects of macadamia nut consumption on adiposity.This is a call for research projects from public and private institutions, as well as not-for-profit organizations, and encourages cooperative research.Organizations interested in applying for the grant must submit the Application Form on or before February 28th, 2017.Visit www.nutfruit.org to download the Guidelines and Application Form.The International Nut & Dried Fruit Council (INC) is coordinating this call on behalf of Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (Hort Innovation), the Australian Macadamia Society (AMS), the Southern African Macadamia Growers Association (SAMAC), Nut Processors Association of Kenya, QueenNut Macadamia, Tribeca, Coopmac, Eastern Produce Malawi Limited, Thyolo Nut Company, Sable Farming Co Ltd and Kawalazi Estate Company Limited.

Macadamias in the media spotlight

2016 has been a successful year for the Australian macadamia industry on many fronts, culminating in a record crop announced last week. 


「オーストラリアのマカダミア業界は今日までに磐石な基盤を築いており、新たな機会を最大限 に生かすと同時に、さまざまなマイナス要因を最小化する体制が整っています。このような基盤 をもとに、今、大きな変化の時が訪れようとしています。」10月にクイーンズランド州サンシャイ ン・コーストで開催された オーストラリア・マカダミア産業会議2016のメッセージを包括するとこのようになります。   

What’s on the menu with Matt Golinski

When Australian chef Matt Golinski travels, there’s nothing he loves more than meeting local farmers. Often on the road in his role as Gympie Regional Food Ambassador, he makes it a priority to meet the people behind the food being grown in every region he visits.


Macadamia Change Maker Ian McConachie (Japanese)

Macadamia Taste Maker Stone & Wood (Japanese)

Macadamia Change Maker Rex Harris (Japanese)

Macadamia Taste Maker KOKOPOD (Japanese)

Macadamia Change Maker Marc Harrison (Japanese)

Chocolate Confectionery Consumer Insights Research (Japanese)

Japanese food technology students ‘Discover Macadamias’ tour (Japanese)


and be the first to know about the latest news from the Australian macadamia industry.

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