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December 2022 market report

The 2022 global crop is forecast to finish at 300,213 tonnes @ 3.5% moisture, up from 241,420 tonnes in 2021. All origins except Hawaii are reporting an increase in production compared to last year, with the largest increases coming from South Africa and China.

Australian macadamia growers deliver higher than anticipated crop

Australian macadamia growers have recovered from the record rains and flooding in NSW and South East Queensland earlier this year to produce a higher than anticipated crop of 52,974 tonnes in-shell @ 3.5% moisture (56,800 tonnes in-shell @ 10% moisture).

Largest ever AusMac conference brings Australian macadamia industry together

AusMac, the Australian macadamia industry conference, returned to Australia’s Gold Coast this month after two years of pandemic-related postponements. With more than 700 delegates spanning all sectors of the industry, it was the largest conference ever hosted and provided a highly anticipated opportunity to network, learn, and get up to speed on everything from global macadamia production and marketing to the latest in agri-tech and regenerative agriculture.

2022 Australian Macadamias Yearbook

The 2022 Australian Macadamias Yearbook provides a snapshot of our industry’s highlights and performance over the past 12 months. Providing an overview of all key facets of the Australian macadamia industry, it’s where you’ll find:

Eco-responsibility, health and enjoyment the top trends as SIAL Paris returns

400,000 food products. 250,000 square metres. 265,000 attendees. 7,000 exhibitors from 119 countries. SIAL Paris made a triumphant return last month after a two-year Covid-induced hiatus, and representatives from Australia’s macadamia industry were among the action as they promoted our product to international food manufacturers.

Macadamias aus australischem Anbau erreichen 25. Jahr perfekte Ergebnisse in der National Residue Survey 2021-2022

Die australische Macadamia-Industrie hat im National Residue Survey (NRS) zu 100 % die Anforderungen erfüllt und damit 25 Jahre in Folge perfekte Ergebnisse erzielt. Unsere Branche hat seit Beginn der Erhebung im Jahr 1996/97 jedes Jahr daran teilgenommen und jedes Mal eine 100 %ige Zustimmung erhalten. Dies ist ein Rekord, der von keinem anderen australischen Frischprodukt erreicht wird.

Die Erhaltung der wilden Macadamia im Fokus der neuesten Videokampagne

Als kleiner Junge, der in den 1940er Jahren in Australien aufwuchs, kletterte Ian McConachie, der Pionier der Macadamia-Industrie, über den Zaun seines Nachbarn, um Macadamias von dessen Gartenbaum zu stehlen. Was er damals nicht erkannte, war, dass die Macadamia zu seinem Lebenswerk werden würde und dass seine Bemühungen um die Erhaltung der gefährdeten wilden Macadamia-Populationen entscheidend für die Zukunft der Industrie sein würden.

Marktbericht September

The 2022 global crop is forecast to be up 12% on the 2021 season, driven primarily by forecast increases in the South African and Chinese crops. This is despite Australia forecasting a 10% decrease compared with last season as a direct result of the severe weather and flooding in NSW and southeast Queensland.

Australische Macadamia-Ernte wird voraussichtlich 49 340 Tonnen betragen

The Australian macadamia crop is on track to reach 49,340 tonnes in-shell @ 3.5% (52,900 tonnes in-shell @ 10% moisture). The original crop forecast of 54,930 tonnes in-shell @ 3.5% (58,900 tonnes in-shell @ 10% moisture) was reduced by 10% in late April following severe weather and flooding in NSW and South East Queensland.

Australische Macadamia-Industrie begrüßt neuen CEO

Australia’s macadamia industry is delighted to welcome Clare Hamilton-Bate to the role of Chief Executive Officer following the departure of Jolyon Burnett last month after 14 years at the helm. Clare comes to the position with a background in horticultural science, and extensive experience in executive roles in all sectors of horticulture, from farm to consumer, as well as industry and association management in the UK, Australia and internationally.



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