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National Residue Survey 2014/15: Aussie macadamias score 100% for 15th consecutive year!

We're delighted to announce that once again Australian macadamia producers have achieved a perfect score in the 2014/15 National Residue Survey. Our unblemished record has been upheld for 15 years straight and is testament to the world-class in-crop and post-harvest practices of our growers. The programme screens Australian macadamias for a range of chemical pesticides and environmental contaminants and these outstanding results serve to reinforce our global reputation as a clean, green producer of the world's finest macadamias.

Who is our Japanese consumer?

Japan is a core market for macadamias, with a distinct preference and high regard for kernel of Australian origin. The growth in this market over the past seven years has been driven strongly by our marketing program, which is guided by regular consumer research, allowing us to delve inside the minds of Japanese shoppers and better understand how our product is perceived and what motivates them to purchase.

Challenging our weighty reputation

Evidence that challenges common misconceptions about nuts and weight was presented by an international nutrition expert at the recent Dietitians Association of Australian (DAA) 32nd National Conference in Perth (13-16 May 2015).

Heart health report

High quality scientific evidence confirms regular nut consumption is associated with a reduced risk of death from heart disease and a reduction in heart disease risk factors, according to a new Australian review of more than 100 studies spanning 20 years.(1)

Nuts are food for thought – literally!

With Alzheimer's disease affecting over 26 million people worldwide(i) and now the second biggest killer of women in Australia(ii), advice on how to maintain brain health is worth heeding.



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