The 2023 Australian macadamia crop forecast has been revised down by 11% from 60,000 tonnes in-shell to 53,160 tonnes in-shell at 3.5% moisture (from 64,400 to 57,000 tonnes in-shell at 10% moisture), announced the peak industry body, the Australian Macadamia Society (AMS), today.
AMS CEO Clare Hamilton-Bate says the Australian macadamia industry has been experiencing unprecedented market conditions, due primarily to the combination of reduced global demand and a rapidly increasing global supply.
“Australian macadamia growers and the entire industry are facing a very difficult year, with the softest farm gates prices in more than a decade,” says Ms. Hamilton-Bate.
“Overall the crop quality is very good and reject levels are down, however nut size is smaller and there has been a decrease in total kernel recovery.”
Ms. Hamilton-Bate says several factors have converged to contribute to the reduction in the 2023 crop forecast, including variable seasonal conditions and weather events as well as cost rationalisation and prudent economic decision-making by growers.
“Kernel supply will also be impacted because an increased amount of crop is being sold to the nut-in-shell market.”
The crop forecast will be reviewed again in September and the final figure for the 2023 Australian macadamia crop will be announced by the AMS in early December.
The 2023 crop is based on actual factory receipts of the Australian Macadamia Handlers Association (AMHA). The AMHA represents 85% of the macadamia crop in Australia.