Australian macadamia growers have produced a record crop – 49,300 tonnes in-shell at 3.5% moisture (52,900 tonnes in-shell @ 10% moisture) – announced the peak industry body, the Australian Macadamia Society today.
The 2018 Australian macadamia crop has finished 3% higher than the previous forecast of 47,500 tonnes in-shell at 3.5% moisture (51,000 tonnes at 10% moisture).
AMS CEO Jolyon Burnett says the strong result can be attributed to favourable harvest conditions with minimal rain interruptions. “Conditions were consistently good this year, and our trees have recovered well from last year,“ he said.
Mr Burnett added that the higher crop also reflects sustained investment made in previous years. “Our growers have invested substantially in the health of their soil and trees as well as overall orchard improvements and this commitment is now translating into higher yields and excellent kernel quality,” he said.
“We’re also seeing some of our industry’s new plantings now coming into bearing, and this is expected to deliver more consistent yield growth in the coming years. At the same time there’s continued investment in processing capacity for the future.”
Demand for Australian kernel remains strong and sales and forward contracts indicate the majority of the crop is committed.
Mr Burnett says the Australian industry remains focused on the kernel market, with its Innovation Initiative marketing strategy well underway. “The Innovation Initiative is breaking vital new ground by identifying new opportunities for macadamia innovation underpinned by consumer insights,” he said.
“The second Macadamia Innovation Challenge is nearing completion, and this should produce some further exciting concepts for packaged food products containing macadamias.”
While early days, Mr Burnett says signs are positive for the 2019 crop, with growers reporting good flowering and nutset so far.
This Australian macadamia crop estimate is provided by the Australian Macadamia Society based on actual factory receipts of the Australian Macadamia Handlers Association (AMHA) until end of October. The AMHA represent over 90% of all the macadamia crop in Australia.
For further macadamia crop information contact:
Lynne Ziehlke
Market Development Manager Australian Macadamia Society
Phone: +61 488 032 248 or 1800 262 426 (Aust) or +61 2 6622 4933