Under the influence: how influencer marketing is spreading the macadamia message in key Asian markets

Influencer marketing has been a successful element of Australian Macadamias’ consumer promotion for some time, with campaigns executed internationally in partnership with bloggers, key opinion leaders, celebrity chefs and food, beauty and lifestyle influencers.

Influencers are carefully selected, based on their audience size and profile, area of expertise, and alignment with Australian Macadamias’ brand values, with these partnerships enabling us to share the taste, health, versatility and purity layers of the macadamia story with a wider audience. The last six months has seen a number of exciting campaigns take place with influencers in China, South Korea and Japan.

Illustrating the relevance of macadamias during Chinese celebrations

Chinese comic
New year comic
Chinese New Year comic

Instagram takeovers inspire Korean macadamia fans

Korean influencer posts

Multi-layered collaboration in Japan yields impressive results

Images: Instagram / @tmytsm @pepe39 @tomoky_take
Image: YouTube/Peaceful Cuisine

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마카다미아의 혁신: 2024년 가장 주목해야 할 제품들

한 해가 마무리되는 연말은 지난 열두 달 간 마카다미아가 세계 식음료업계에서 어떠한 창의적인 변화를 이끌어냈는지 돌아볼 기회를 제공한다. 2024년 출시된 제품들은 고급 식재료인 마카다미아가 어디에나 어울린다는 것은 물론, 제조사와 소비자의 기호가 급격하게 달라지고 있음을 뚜렷이 드러낸다. 진하고 풍부한 맛, 섬세하게 부서지는 오도독한 식감, 영양학적인 이점까지, 마카다미아는 다채로운 변신을 통해 다시 한 번 자신의 가치를 증명해 보였다.

2024 Australian Macadamias Yearbook

The 2024 Australian Macadamias Yearbook is a comprehensive overview of our industry’s highlights and performance over the past 12 months. Providing a summary of key facets of the Australian macadamia industry, it covers:


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