Our 7 top stories of 2020 and what they tell us about the year ahead

It’s been said countless times, but it’s true: 2020 was a year like no other. We watched in horror as bushfires consumed Australia in January and riots rocked many parts of the globe. We’d barely caught our breath before launching straight into a global pandemic that confined many parts of the world to their own homes for weeks and months on end. 

As if that wasn’t enough, the drawn-out conclusion to the US election capped off an already exhausting year. We all lived it and it’s had a deep impact on consumer psyches, leading to heightened interest in topics like immunity and transparency, as well as driving even more interest in plant-based and sustainability narratives.

The best of 2020

These stories are the ones that got people talking (and clicking) during this tumultuous time:

Skating with macadamias
Macadamia trees are inherently sustainable
Macadamia product innovations 2020
Kikkoman macadamia milk
Macadamia butta

What’s next?

The widespread disruption of 2020 gave rise to trends and behaviours that will undoubtedly continue into 2021. We are seeing the emergence of consumers – both young and old – who care more about sustainability and transparency than ever before. To meet their demands, the plant-based innovation is set to continue into 2021, and macadamias are well-placed to be part of it.

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2대 대표 마카다미아 산지에 대한 5가지 놀라운 사실

마카다미아 나무의 고향인 호주는 고대 열대 우림을 기반으로 번창하는 산업을 자랑한다. 약 6천만 년 전에 호주 땅에서 시작된 마카다미아는 산업화된지 50년 정도 되었으며, 뉴사우스웨일스와 퀸즐랜드를 중심으로 여러지역에 걸쳐 41,000 헥타르 이상의 마카다미아 과수원이 조성되어 있고, 서호주에도 일부 소규모 재배지가 있다.

2024년 호주 마카다미아 수확량 예측, 기상 문제로 변경

호주 마카다미아 협회(AMS)는 악천후로 인해 2024년 마카다미아 수확량 예측을 수정하였다. 수정된 예측에 따르면 3.5% 수분 함량 기준 50,830톤(10% 수분 함량 기준 54,500톤)의 생산량이 예상되며, 이는 이전 예측치인 3.5% 수분 함량 기준 56,000톤(10% 수분 함량 기준 60,000톤)에서 감소한 수치이다.


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