November 2019 market report

Macadamia demand continues to rise


Supply expectations remain relatively unchanged, with Australia’s October crop forecast update holding steady at 42,900 tonnes (at 3.5% moisture). It is being predicted that there may be some upside in South Africa’s crop from 58,500 tonnes to nearer 60,000 tonnes, while China’s crop is anticipated in the region of 20,000 tonnes. Globally, total in-shell supply for 2019 is expected to be approximately 5% under the previous year.

New investment in macadamia plantings in major supply origins has continued strongly, with significant greenfield developments in South Africa and Australia. There has also been investment in new processing capacity and processing technology in both origins.


Demand for macadamia kernel from key markets continued to rise with imports to the five biggest volume markets (consuming approximately 70% of global kernel production) rising by 28% in the 12 months to August 2019.

Australia continues to have the highest per capita consumption in the world followed by the United States. Seven European countries represent almost half of the top 15, and per capita consumption in Asia still has a long way to go with Taiwan coming in at #5 and Japan at #10.

호주 마카다미아 판매량

Corresponding directly to growth in global demand and a strong 2018 crop, Australian kernel sales grew +9% in the 12 months to September 2019.

The strongest growth came from the United States (up 51% versus the previous 12 months), Japan (up 15% versus the previous 12 months) and Europe (up 42% to Germany, up 23% to the rest of Europe). Kernel sales to China also grew strongly, up 24%.

Sales to the domestic market fell by 8% but were the second highest recorded in the last 5 years.

In-shell sales grew 43% in the 12 months to September 2019.

글로벌 제품 혁신

There was a slight increase in the number of new products containing macadamias launched in the September quarter, with the majority coming from the United States and China, and most launches occurring in the snack category. Interestingly, many of China’s launches were from brands other than the well-established top 6.

There were products launched in 36 countries including from less well-known consuming countries such as Egypt, Panama, Mexico, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Austria and Lithuania.

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추출에서 혁신까지: 마카다미아 오일이 요리와 화장품의 히어로인 이유

마카다미아 오일은 종종 ‘골든 오일’이라고 묘사되는데, 건강상의 이점과 다용도성을 자세히 살펴보면 그 이유가 명확해진다. 콜레스테롤, 나트륨, 설탕 및 트랜스 지방이 함유 되어있지 않으면서 비타민 E, 심장 건강에 좋은 단일 불포화 지방, 팔미톨레산 및 피토스테롤이 풍부한 이 오일은 가정과 식품 제조뿐만 아니라 노화 방지 스킨 케어에도 탁월하다. 

다재다능성의 대가, 시즈닝 마카다미아 크럼

마카다미아 신제품 출시는 언제나 흥미로운데, 특히 제형 또는 형태 면에서 새로운 지평을 여는 혁신적인 제품일 때 더욱 그렇다. 최근 출시된 시즈닝 마카다미아 크럼 제품이 그 예이며, 이 제품은 마카다미아 업계 연구에서 발표한 향후 몇 년간 식음료 분야에 떠오를 것으로 예상되는 트렌드 중 주요 혁신 기회 분야를 실현시킨 제품이다.


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