Macadamia Industry to Grant €200,000 in 2017 to Health Research

The macadamia community calls for research projects that may contribute to enhance the understanding of the health effects of macadamia nut consumption.

January 3rd, 2017 –  Up to €200,000 is available for the Macadamia Health Research. Research priorities include comparing the effect of a macadamia enriched diet vs. a control diet on insulin resistance/secretion, lipid profile (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides), and other emergent cardiovascular risk factors, e.g. inflammation, oxidative stress markers, etc. including the evaluation of the effects of macadamia nut consumption on adiposity.

This is a call for research projects from public and private institutions, as well as not-for-profit organizations, and encourages cooperative research.

Organizations interested in applying for the grant must submit the Application Form on or before February 28th, 2017.

Visit to download the Guidelines and Application Form.

The International Nut & Dried Fruit Council (INC) is coordinating this call on behalf of Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (Hort Innovation), the Australian Macadamia Society (AMS), the Southern African Macadamia Growers Association (SAMAC), Nut Processors Association of Kenya, QueenNut Macadamia, Tribeca, Coopmac, Eastern Produce Malawi Limited, Thyolo Nut Company, Sable Farming Co Ltd and Kawalazi Estate Company Limited.

International Dried Nut and Fruit Council

About the International Nut & Dried Fruit Council

The International Nut & Dried Fruit Council (INC) brings together nearly 700 nut and dried fruit companies from over 70 countries. INC is the international organization of reference regarding health, nutrition, statistics, food safety, and international standards and regulations relating to nuts and dried fruits.

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