In conversation with our Facebook fans: new infographic

The Australian Macadamias global Facebook communities are alive with conversation about our delicious nut. We love engaging with our fans as it enables us to gauge what’s on their minds and understand how they feel about our brand and product. We recently analysed conversations from our Facebook pages over a 6-month period in Australia, Germany, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, with exciting and insightful results. The analysis examined the language and emojis most commonly used by fans, revealing just how emotionally attached they are to our product and brand, and the depth of positive emotion that exists in our Facebook communities. It also uncovered some fascinating market-specific behaviours, helping to deepen our understanding of the nuances that characterise each of our core markets. 

See all the results in this handy downloadable infographic:

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2대 대표 마카다미아 산지에 대한 5가지 놀라운 사실

마카다미아 나무의 고향인 호주는 고대 열대 우림을 기반으로 번창하는 산업을 자랑한다. 약 6천만 년 전에 호주 땅에서 시작된 마카다미아는 산업화된지 50년 정도 되었으며, 뉴사우스웨일스와 퀸즐랜드를 중심으로 여러지역에 걸쳐 41,000 헥타르 이상의 마카다미아 과수원이 조성되어 있고, 서호주에도 일부 소규모 재배지가 있다.


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