2020 Australian macadamia crop on track to reach target

The 2020 Australian macadamia crop remains on track to reach the forecast 36,500 tonnes in-shell at 3.5% moisture (39,000 tonnes at 10% moisture), announced the industry’s peak body, the Australian Macadamia Society (AMS) today.

Harvesting conditions have been largely favourable over the last few months, with more than 50% of the Australian macadamia crop now collected.

AMS CEO Jolyon Burnett says nut quality is good, despite the challenging growing conditions experienced during this season.

“Notwithstanding the hottest and driest year in our recorded history last year, all regions are reporting a good quality crop,” says Mr. Burnett.

All growing regions are at different stages of harvest, with Bundaberg, Australia’s largest macadamia producer, out in front, having now delivered 80% of its crop.

Mr. Burnett said the growing and processing sectors of the Australian macadamia industry had adapted to restrictions presented by Covid-19 and were largely unaffected by the pandemic.

“It’s been business as usual for the most part, although there has been some minor disruption to our international shipping, as is the case with most export industries.”

Mr. Burnett says it continues to be an exciting time for the industry, with sustained investment in new plantings, expansion of growing regions, new varieties and an innovative international marketing campaign launching this week.

“Our new campaign will include consumer research in six international markets – Australia, USA, China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, which will identify where the biggest opportunities lie for manufacturers,” says Mr. Burnett.

The latest Australian macadamia industry crop estimate is based on forecast intake provided by the Australian Macadamia Handlers Association (AMHA) to the end of May. The AMHA represent 97.5% of production in Australia.

A further crop report will be provided in August/September, and the final figure for the 2020 crop will be announced by the AMS in early December.

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