Vogue Picnic media co-op impresses millions in Taiwan

Vogue Picnic Media Coop with macadamias

Macadamias were on show with millions of lifestyle-conscious Taiwanese consumers last month as part of a highly successful media co-op with the Vogue Picnic event. 

The event collaboration marked an important milestone in this year’s campaign strategy for Taiwan, which is focused on positioning Australian grown macadamias as a natural part of a fun and healthy everyday lifestyle. 

Outdoor entertaining and picnics have become hugely popular in Taiwan, and it’s an urban trend that holds considerable potential for our product and brand. The Vogue Picnic event presented the ideal opportunity to tap into this and connect with a young female audience eager to learn about the multi-layered story and key benefits of Australian grown macadamias. 

The online and offline elements of this collaboration delivered outstanding results, with more than 3.6 million impressions reaching 965,000 consumers.

Macadamia picnic food

Vogue Picnic: a lifestyle celebration 

Now in its second year, Taiwan’s Vogue Picnic has proven to be a hit among lifestyle-conscious female consumers in this market.

The event, on-trend with its boho-chic theme, is one of the largest social gatherings and top blog events of the year, attracting 30,000 people who gather outdoors at Taiwan’s Huashan Creative Park to enjoy delicious picnic food, music, fashion and product showcases in the spring sunshine.

Macadamia picnic salad
Image: Michelle Love

It brings together a collection of premium lifestyle brands covering a range of product categories including beauty, food, beverages, automotive, travel, fashion and more. This year the Australian Macadamias brand was in good company, with Chandon, Lancôme, Shiseido, Ford and Versace among the impressive lineup of co-sponsors. An association with brands of this calibre helps to reinforce our premium brand positioning. 

Influencer collaboration brings core messaging to life

The co-op was leveraged further by a collaboration with influential lifestyle blogger Michelle Love who introduced the benefits of macadamias to her 102,000 Facebook fans in the lead-up to the event, and demonstrated how easily macadamias can be used to create delicious picnic cuisine.

Michelle Love's macadamia picnic
Images: Michelle Love

She shared her picnic day experience with her fan base as well, hash-tagging Australian Macadamias, and showing first-hand how she enjoyed macadamias as part of her picnic day fare.

Michelle’s high quality posts featured beautiful food photography, bringing the premium appeal of our product to life in perfect style, and helping our messaging to reach a wider audience via her blog and social media channels.

Macadamia picnic overhead
Image: Michelle Love

Driving experience, awareness, and advocacy

The co-op delivered a host of benefits for our product and brand.

Vogue macadamia picnic post

PRODUCT EXPERIENCE: macadamia samples were on hand for picnic attendees to enjoy. Events like this offer up the chance to place product directly in the hands of our target audience. For existing fans, it reconnects them with the unique sensory experience that only macadamias can offer. For first-time users, it’s love at first bite!

competition on Vogue’s Facebook page also saw many fans rewarded with macadamia prizes.

AWARENESS: the pre-event period was leveraged to capture consumer interest in macadamias and educate them on multiple facets of our brand story. The Vogue Taiwan website featured three macadamia editorials, introducing fans to our growing and origin storytaste and health benefits, and showcasing recipes for macadamia picnic dishes. These were also promoted on Vogue’s Facebook page, which boasts a following of 1.28 million fans.

Offline brand exposure in the April issue of Vogue magazine, and on promotional picnic flyers and street flags complemented the online activity.

ADVOCACY AND AMPLIFICATION: the collaboration with influencer Michelle Love as a macadamia advocate brought additional credibility to the campaign, and enabled further amplification of our core messaging. We shared Michelle’s macadamia picnic experience content on our own social media platforms, and encouraged other picnic attendees to share their photos as well.

Macadamia picnic tarts

Big brand power

As one of the world’s most influential media and fashion brands, Vogue has enormous power and reach in both the online and offline world. The co-op enabled exposure of the Australian Macadamias brand and messaging to a large and powerful audience, the scale of which we simply cannot connect with on our own. 

Extended reach, enhanced positioning, message amplification across all channels and generation of new content are all benefits of this style of media co-op.

We thoroughly enjoyed engaging with new and existing Taiwanese macadamia fans at such a popular and unique event!

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India opens the door wider for Australian macadamias with improved technical market access

The Australian macadamia industry welcomes a major development in trade access, with the Government of India officially gazetting an amendment to its Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) for Australian macadamia nuts. This change significantly improves technical market access, reducing barriers for Australian-grown macadamias to enter one of the world’s fastest-growing economies.

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