Three Blue Ducks celebrates Macadamia Nut Day with limited edition Macadamia & Miso Chocolate Palmier

 Acclaimed Australian chef Darren Robertson and Three Blue Ducks restaurants are set to release an exclusive limited edition Macadamia Miso & Chocolate Palmier, in partnership with Australian Macadamias in celebration of Macadamia Nut Day on Sunday 4 September. 

 Channeling his passion for food and old school classic pastries, Darren uses some of his favourite Australian ingredients to deliver a nutty, chocolatey and slightly savoury flaky treat. The versatility and richness of native macadamia nuts provides both texture and flavour as the macadamias are baked throughout the palmier to showcase their buttery creaminess and little chunks are added for extra crunch. 

 Darren Robertson, Gourmet Chef and Co-owner of Three Blue Ducks says, “I’m super excited to be partnering with Australian Macadamias to release an exclusive Macadamia Miso & Chocolate Palmier to help fellow Aussies celebrate Macadamia Nut Day. We use macadamias a lot in our menus at Three Blue Ducks as they are versatile and can bring so much to a dish. If you love something sweet with a twist, this is the perfect treat for you.” 

 Macadamias have a long local history, having first evolved in the rainforests on the east coast of Australia over 60 million years ago. Healthy, delicious and very special, macadamias are an integral part of the Australian story. 

Jacqui Price, Australian Macadamias Marketing Manager, says: “Australia is the original home of macadamias so we’re thrilled to be working with Darren to deliver a delicious, nutty treat for Aussies to enjoy for this year’s Macadamia Nut Day. Australian Macadamias focuses on celebrating and supporting all Australians – from farmers to cooks to everyday people, and we think the collaboration with Three Blue Ducks is a perfect reflection of this.” 

The exclusive Macadamia Miso & Chocolate Palmier will be available for purchase at Sample Food Festival in Bangalow on 3 September and at The Farm Byron Bay, Three Blue Ducks Rosebery (Sydney) and Three Blue Ducks Melbourne across the weekend of 3 & 4 September.

Three Blue Ducks Locations 

The Farm, 11 Ewingsdale Rd, Ewingsdale (Byron Bay), NSW 

1/85 Dunning Ave, Rosebery (Sydney), NSW 

URBNSURF, 309 Melrose Dr, Tullamarine (Melbourne), VIC 

About Sample Food Festival 

Sample Food Festival, a taste of Northern NSW takes place on Saturday 3 September at Bangalow Showgrounds 1 Market Street Bangalow. The festival runs from 8am to 4pm with $5 and $10 tasting plates from the region’s top restaurants. The 2022 event will be the 10th Anniversary Sample Food Festival. 

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India opens the door wider for Australian macadamias with improved technical market access

The Australian macadamia industry welcomes a major development in trade access, with the Government of India officially gazetting an amendment to its Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) for Australian macadamia nuts. This change significantly improves technical market access, reducing barriers for Australian-grown macadamias to enter one of the world’s fastest-growing economies.

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