Australian Macadamias set to make powerful first impression in China

Million dollar campaign will showcase our native nut to Chinese consumers

Australian macadamias will step into the spotlight in China for the first time this week, with the launch of a million dollar consumer marketing campaign in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

The China campaign is funded by Australia’s 650+ macadamia growers (via an industry marketing levy through Horticulture Innovation Australia) and represents one of the biggest investments the Australian macadamia industry has ever made in an offshore market.

The aim of the campaign is to drive consumer awareness, educate consumers about Australia as the clean green origin of macadamias, showcase the health and ‘inner beauty’ benefits of the nut and position Australian macadamias as the premium trusted choice.

The industry’s peak body, the Australian Macadamia Society, in conjunction with the industry’s key commercial marketers, are the driving force behind the campaign, and AMS Market Development Manager Lynne Ziehlke says it’s all about making first impressions count. 

“We have developed a cracking opportunity to showcase our global sensation to Chinese consumers,” says Ms. Ziehlke. “The Australian macadamia industry’s strategic global marketing plan has identified the potential, we’ve done the homework, and the timing is perfect to invest in our first consumer marketing campaign in China.”

The two campaign launch events in Shanghai (24 Nov) and Guangzhou (26 Nov) will play host to more than 100 industry and government representatives including the majority of major Chinese retailers and a large cross section of Australian macadamia industry suppliers, exporters and growers. Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Robb will deliver a message via video link.

“The campaign is about initiating a conversation with Chinese consumers, via an integrated mix of social media, advertising, TV, newsletters and other promotions and focussing on key occasions like Chinese New Year.” 

Ms. Ziehlke says the campaign has been more than two years in the making, developed on the back of a major Chinese research study conducted by the Australian macadamia industry and substantial investment in retail sales and trade data. 

“Our research shows that many Chinese consumers are already aware of macadamias and perceive them as premium, gift-worthy and exotic with anti-aging benefits. The time is right to tell the story of Australian origin and showcase the health benefits of our product,” says Ms. Ziehlke.

Indeed, the timing couldn’t be better, coming hot on the heels of successful Australian Macadamia campaigns in Japan, Korea and Taiwan, and with the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) about to make Australian macadamias even more affordable for Chinese consumers. 

Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Robb says the Australian macadamia industry is one of Australia’s export success stories with a strong record of developing new international markets across the globe. 

“China is the newest of these markets with exports up 86% in the last 24 months. That represents 24% of all Australian macadamias sold around the globe. These numbers are expected to grow even further thanks to the China-Australia FTA which will see tariffs of up to 24% eliminated,” says Minister Robb.

“This will provide a strong competitive advantage for the industry and make Australian macadamias more affordable for Chinese consumers, who are quickly developing a taste for Australia’s clean green premium produce.

“The AMS has also signed a memorandum of understanding with the Yunnan Macadamia Society in China to assist in the development of the industry in China. The government looks forward to the Australian and Chinese industries continuing to work together to build a profitable and sustainable market for macadamias in China over the decades to come.”

This week’s campaign launch supports an already booming Asian demand for Australian macadamias. With increasing awareness of the health and beauty benefits of nuts and a growing desire for clean and green food production, the Australian Macadamias brand story is resonating strongly with consumers across Asia.

“The Australian Macadamias brand has infiltrated the minds and shopping baskets of millions of consumers across multiple markets in Asia over the past five years, with over 50% of Australia’s macadamia crop now exported to the region,” says Ms. Ziehlke.

“Amplifying the success of campaigns in Japan, Korea and Taiwan, the campaign activity will round out our presence in the region and promote our product to a wider audience than ever before.”


There are more than 650 Australian macadamia growers producing around 47,000 tonnes nut-in-shell of macadamias per year. Australia is the world’s largest producer of premium macadamia kernel, exporting approximately 70% of all macadamias to more than 40 countries globally. More than $150 million worth of Australian macadamia products are exported each year.

Media enquiries for photo / vision / interviews to:

Nyree Epplett
Communications Manager
Australian Macadamia Society
M: 0434 261 070 | T: 1800 262 426 (Aust) | +61 2 6622 4933

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