Australian macadamia industry unveils second Innovation Challenge

After a successful launch in 2017, the Australian macadamia industry is bringing its Macadamia Innovation Challenge back for a second exciting year, increasing the scale of the program to invite participation from China and Japan. The world-first platform is aimed at generating new packaged food concepts that can inspire the food industry globally and drive new demand for macadamias around the world.

For the past decade, the Australian macadamia industry has been raising awareness of the versatility and unmistakable flavour of macadamias and the Challenge is designed to drive even greater innovation and further diversify the use of macadamias in food manufacturing.

Challenge 1 saw an impressive array of unique concepts created by food professionals and students from the food technology field in Australia. Challenge 2 will expand on this with an increased pool of cash and travel prizes and extension of the campaign to invite participation by entrants from China and Japan, alongside Australia.  

Competitors are again invited to submit creative concepts for new packaged food products using macadamias. Challenge 2 will explore four product categories – confectionery, snacks, cereals and future foods – with competitors required to submit ideas with either an Asian or Western flavour profile.  

10 shortlisted finalist entries will be invited to pitch their ideas to a judging panel of industry experts and leading food innovators at the sensational finals event and attend the awards ceremony in Byron Bay in April 2019.

Entries close 3 December 2018. For all the details head to

For challenge inquiries please contact Anita Turelli M: +61 404 070 221 E:

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