Australian macadamia industry announces record Australian macadamia crop

Australia’s macadamia growers have produced the largest Australian macadamia crop ever – 48,300 tonnes in-shell @ 10% moisture (45,100 tonnes in-shell at 3.5% moisture), announced the Australian Macadamia Society (AMS) today. 

The final 2015 crop figure represents a 10 percent increase on last year’s crop.  Approximately 25 percent of the crop (13,100 tonnes @ 10% moisture / 12,250 tonnes @ 3.5% moisture) has been sold as in-shell and kernel production is 10,500 tonnes.

In addition, processing companies are reporting good kernel quality overall despite some regional variations.  AMS Chief Executive Officer Jolyon Burnett attributed the excellent result to good, dry harvest conditions, a long harvest season which continued well into September, and strong global pricing. 

“Growers were able to continually harvest throughout the season unimpeded by bad weather,” says Mr. Burnett. “A high percentage of the total crop has been harvested because strong prices provided the incentive for growers to conduct an additional ‘late harvest’ pick-up.” 

Mr. Burnett says the Australian industry is seeing unprecedented levels of investment from both growers and processors.

“There is a large amount of restoration work,  with a focus on productivity,  being undertaken by growers in orchards in all regions, as well as investment from the processing sector in new technology to improve processing capability especially in relation to food safety.

“Australia is a trusted, reliable source of premium product, with a large and long term commitment to supplying good quality product consistently. This is supported by a multi-million dollar R&D program that is the best in the world.”

Mr. Burnett said there is still very strong global demand across the board for both kernel and in-shell.

“The Australian macadamia industry continues to show strong support for the kernel markets worldwide. At the same time, we strive to achieve a good balance between supplying these markets and meeting demand for in-shell,” he said.

The 2015 Australian macadamia crop figure is provided by the Australian Macadamia Society based on actual factory receipts of the Australian Macadamia Handlers Association (AMHA) plus data from other key industry sources, which, when combined account for 99 per cent of all macadamia handling in Australia.  


Media contacts:
Lynne Ziehlke
Australian Macadamia Society
Phone: 02 6622 4933
About Australian Macadamia Society: The Northern Rivers is Australia’s largest producing macadamia region, producing around 50 per cent of Australia’s total macadamia crop. It is estimated that 70% of Australian growers are members of the Society and that they produce more than 85% of the Australian annual production, around 45,000 tonnes. The AMS was founded with the objectives of promoting and coordinating all aspects of the industry, to encourage free exchange of ideas and information and to foster goodwill among members.

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