Aussie macadamia fans soak up summer on social

Australian macadamia moment

The Australia summer is coming to a close and it’s been a big season for the Australian Macadamias domestic social media campaign. Our fans love to entertain at this time of year, with many people taking holidays over the December-January period, and the longer days making barbeques a much-loved daily habit.

Macadamias are in their element during a hot Australian summer, and the campaign has focused heavily on inspiring our food-loving fans with a steady stream of fabulous recipe ideas, showcasing the incredible versatility of macadamias.

Fan feedback a potent tool

With our domestic Facebook community now nudging 40,000 fans, the year kicked off by asking our followers what style of content they wish to see more of in 2017, with a free Australian Macadamias calendar offered to the first 12 people who commented. 

Dialogue like this is essential to the success of our social media program, ensuring we know what our audience wants, and building goodwill by ensuring they feel valued and heard. 

The key takeaway was that our fans want more recipes and ideas for healthy, savoury meals, with requests for growing and harvest insights as well as sweet and snacking recipes also noted. These insights will help to guide our content schedule for the remainder of the year.

Flavoured macs a hit

The top performing post for January showcased easy recipes for four different kinds of flavoured roasted macadamias. Perfect for barbeques and picnics, we encouraged fans to serve them warm and enjoy with a cold drink. 

Reaching more than 14,500 people, the post generated nearly 460 engagements, including 50 shares.

Growing love

Interest in the macadamia growing process remained strong, with posts on Facebook and Twitter performing well. 

January’s “Meet our growers” Facebook post featuring macadamia farmer Greg James drew strong engagement with more than 300 reactions, comments and shares, while on Twitter, the macadamia harvesting fun facts video achieved more than 13,200 impressions.

Aussie flavoured content

With Australia Day falling in January, content for this month had a distinctively Aussie flavour to it, with recipes featuring lamb, lamingtons, chocolate crackles and ‘green and gold’ macadamias included in the line-up.

We also tweeted courtside from the Australian Open tennis grand slam, promoting Australian grown macadamias as the best snack to watch the action with! A great way to tie macadamias in with one of Australia’s summer sporting highlights.

Meanwhile in the northern hemisphere, our fans in Japan and Germany were also treated to a taste of Australia Day. In Germany, a post called “10 facts about Australia Day” was shared on our German blog, while in Japan, we featured the recipe for green and gold macadamias on our Japanese website and Facebook page.

Australia Day facts German blog

Collaboration with Lyndey Milan

A collaboration with renowned Australian chef and food identity Lyndey Milan delivered a host of fresh content, with Lyndey developing some delicious macadamia recipes including Prawn Salad with Macadamia Dressing and Macadamia Crusted Salad and Macadamia Cous Cous.

As well as featuring on Australian Macadamias social media channels, the collaboration achieved valuable exposure on a broad-reaching host of additional platforms, including Lyndey’s food blog and social media channels, the Nine Digital NetworkWeekend SwitzerWestfield, and more, reaching a potential audience of around 950,000.

Lyndey Milan Macadamia Prawn Salad
Lyndey Milan’s Macadamia Prawn Salad

As a respected and well-liked Australian food personality, Lyndey is a great fit for the values of the Australian Macadamias brand, and resonates strongly with our target audience in Australia.

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마카다미아의 혁신: 2024년 가장 주목해야 할 제품들

한 해가 마무리되는 연말은 지난 열두 달 간 마카다미아가 세계 식음료업계에서 어떠한 창의적인 변화를 이끌어냈는지 돌아볼 기회를 제공한다. 2024년 출시된 제품들은 고급 식재료인 마카다미아가 어디에나 어울린다는 것은 물론, 제조사와 소비자의 기호가 급격하게 달라지고 있음을 뚜렷이 드러낸다. 진하고 풍부한 맛, 섬세하게 부서지는 오도독한 식감, 영양학적인 이점까지, 마카다미아는 다채로운 변신을 통해 다시 한 번 자신의 가치를 증명해 보였다.

2024 Australian Macadamias Yearbook

The 2024 Australian Macadamias Yearbook is a comprehensive overview of our industry’s highlights and performance over the past 12 months. Providing a summary of key facets of the Australian macadamia industry, it covers:


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