The stand-out macadamia product discoveries of 2023

2023 has been another strong year for new products containing macadamias, as manufacturers across markets and categories embrace the multi-layered benefits that Australia’s native nut can deliver as an ingredient.

Let’s take a look at some of the most exciting product innovations of the of the year, through the lens of the 5 powerful innovation territories for manufacturers using macadamias.

Innovation territory #1: MAC-POWERED HEALTH

Consumers globally are actively seeking ways to maximise their food’s health credentials, and the healthy fats, antioxidants and nutrients of macadamias make them an ideal addition to a range of food and beverage products. This territory emerged from the key trend of ‘Multi-dimensional health’ which predicts that the search for functional benefits in food will reach new heights, with mainstream adoption of foods offering hyper-specific benefits such as adaptogens and nootropics.

Innovation territory #2: SAVOURY SWAPS

This territory harnesses the true versatility of macadamias through inspired upgrades to savoury snacks and products. While consumers are familiar with different ways that macadamias can feature in sweet products, savoury products remain an untapped opportunity that can open up a series of new innovation spaces.

Innovation territory #3: LOCAL INFUSIONS

Consumers are rediscovering their local and traditional cuisine, but with an openness to modern tweaks that can elevate and excite. The versatility and unique texture of macadamias can add a new dimension to well-known classics and locally loved foods.

Innovation territory #4: INDULGENT ESCAPE

Against a backdrop of macro-economic pressures and tensions, consumers are seeking ways to distract from the negativity and indulge their senses in moments of joy. The deliciously creamy taste of macadamias provides the perfect platform to amplify desserts and sweet treats and create mini moments of escape.

Innovation territory #5: LIQUID GOLD

The high concentration of heart healthy fats in macadamias allows them to function particularly well in a liquid form, adding depth and richness, but also creating a natural plant base for a range of dairy-free products.

Other notable mentions

While not aligning with a particular innovation territory, these products are still excellent demonstrations of what’s possible with macadamias.

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