We are pleased to announce that the Australian macadamia industry has once again achieved 100% compliance in the National Residue Survey (NRS). The 2023-24 survey marks the 27th consecutive year of perfect results, reinforcing our industry’s commitment to excellence and sustainable macadamia production.
As noted in the official report, these results confirm that “Australian macadamia producers continue to demonstrate a high degree of good agricultural practice.” This record of unbroken perfect scores remains unmatched by any other Australian fresh product.

The role of the NRS
The NRS supports Australia’s primary production and food processing sectors to meet Australian and international standards. Helping to facilitate ongoing access to domestic and export markets, the Survey is run within the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and measures the levels and risks associated with a host of pesticide and veterinary medicine residues in Australian grown food products.

The 2023-24 results were obtained from analysing a total of 137 macadamia samples. Collected from processing plants in northern New South Wales and Queensland, the samples were screened for a range of insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and environmental contaminants. The results were then compared against Australian and relevant international standards.
The macadamia residue monitoring program is a collaborative effort between the NRS, the Australian Macadamia Society and macadamia processors. The Survey ‘s official report states that the results “highlight excellent compliance with Australian standards and demonstrate the strong commitment of the macadamia industry to good agricultural practices. The excellent compliance rates help maintain the reputation and integrity of Australian macadamia nuts in international and domestic markets.”
The significance of the results
Sustainable production is a high priority for Australia’s macadamia industry and these results are a testament to the excellence embedded in the practices of Australia’s macadamia growers and processors.

Today’s shoppers are evaluating the products and brands they purchase more closely than ever, demanding integrity, transparency and honesty against a backdrop of deep concerns for the health of the planet.1
For manufacturers aiming to meet these heightened expectations, selecting ingredients that align with these values is of paramount importance. Australian grown macadamias deliver on taste, texture, indulgence, and health benefits. The NRS results underscore their consistency, reliability and sustainability credentials too.